Rainbow Dye-Tech (Pvt) Ltd.

Tartrazine (INS No. 102) is added to foods and beverages at concentrations up to a maximum permitted level (MPL) as established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. There are currently 8 food categories for which MPLs for tartrazine have been adopted in the General Standard for Food Additives. Approximately 70 other applications of tartrazine as a color additive in foods and beverages have been proposed and are pending adoption, following completion of the review and comments process.

Application:Tartrazine provides a lemon-yellow color and can be used in drugs, cosmetics, and foods, including dietary supplements, beverages, frozen treats, powder mixes, gelatin products, candies, icings, jellies, spices, dressings, sauces, baked goods and dairy products.

Packing: 25KGs pp Drum

Chemical Structure:

Packing: 25KGs pp Drum